We produced this, which shows what days we are filming; what scenes we are filming; who is doing the camera work; who is directing and who is producing. We decided to alternate these jobs so that everyone could do each one at least once.
We started filming on the Tuesday the 2nd of March. We filmed the scene in which the detective is waking up, getting ready and going to work. This is where we ran into our first problem due to unforeseen circumstances, Katie was unable to be at the shoot and thus her mums house was unavailable. Thankfully my house was available so we used this. I took over the role of camera man and Ellen became the directer/producer.
We managed to film all the scenes we wanted to. During filming we had an idea for a shot that would be quite interesting so we filmed this as well. We used several props in filming these scenes, these were; an alarm clock, some toast, a knife and butter, a toaster and Ellen's car.
The next day, Wednesday the 3rd we filmed the murder scene. We found the location with no problems. This allowed us to film quickly and effectively. Unfortunately Katie wasn't available to film again so I took over the role of camera man and Ellen took the director/producer position again. We managed to film all the shots we wanted to without any hiccups.
We used fake blood during the murder scene, we made this by combining glucose syrup and red food dye plus some water to get the correct thickness. To allow us to apply this easily we used a water sprayer.
This created a good effect as it added a lot of realism to our film. As shown via this photo.
We used props again in this scene. One of these had to be a knife for the serial killer to stab the victim with, obviously this is a massive safety concern. To bypass this problem we used some thick cardboard covered in tin foil. This meant that we could effectively show someone getting stabbed without causing any harm. The props we used were; a dark jumper; the fake blood; a scarf and a fake knife.
As we finished earlier than we planned we had time to film some other scenes. We filmed the detective work scene. We were able to use the receptionists office at our college as his work area. As is had been doing the camera work for all the other shoots Ellen and I swapped places, she did the filming and I became the director/producer. We managed to film everything we wanted to.
We only used two props during this scene this were the case file and folder.
We had originally planned to film the serial killers lair scene on Friday, however we had time, the camera and all the props we needed to film so we decided to. We filmed in an old shed located on our college as this seemed a suitable place as it had an eery to it. As the actor we used for the serial killer in the murder scene wasn't available I acted as stand in, this wasn't a problem because it meant I could direct/produce quite easy and Ellen took control of the camera again. As the serial killer was wearing a hood and covering his face with a scarf it meant I could act this out and not cause problems with continuity. We used the fake blood from the murder scene to cover some cloths with, this made them appear blood soaked and that they had been that way for a while. We also covered the fake knife used earlier in the fake blood making it look like it had been used recently. We used several props within this scene, these were; a dark hoody, a scarf, a fake knife, a second fake knife, a blood soaked cloth, a second blood soaked cloth, some Polaroids and some gloves.
Overall I think filming went well and Ellen and I worked effectively together with our actors to produce the media text.
Hello Joe
ReplyDeleteYour production commentary effectively explains how you set up your shoots and the process you went through to achieve your shots.
Mrs M